Kendrick Solar Filters

Kendrick Solar filters featuring Baader film are famous for their exquisite sharpness and detail across the entire field of view in an eyepiece and have a very pleasing and comfortable image brightness.
Why Kendrick?
Kendrick Astro Instruments manufactures more models, by far, than any other solar filter manufacturer. From the largest telescopes, to binoculars and camera lenses, we have a model to fit your application. All models use nylon thumb-screws to secure the filter to your telescope/lens. Nylon is a soft material and will not scratch not scratch or mark the finish on your telescope, binoculars or camera lens. Unlike the other brands' "friction fit" system, our fastening system allows the use of a larger frame which increases the clear aperture area for unobstructed full field of view.
Baader film is incredibly tough and does not break or tear easily. To puncture it with a blunt object takes a lot of force, much more force that would be used in normal day to day useage.
Unlike glass filters, Baader film does not have a perfect cosmetic surface. Wrinkles, folds, kinks, pinholes and other imperfections in this film are normal and will be present on any Baader film solar filter purchased from us. These do not affect the image quality or safety of the filter. In fact, most experienced solar observers say that "wrinkles" improves image contrast. Pinholes, even at full solar intensity, work as a camera obscura. This means that each pinhole would project its own solar image, just like eyepiece projection. Anyone expecting or requiring a perfect cosmetic filter surface should consider another manufacturer's filter.
5 Categories of Solar Products

“D-Tail” Filters: These are the latest models and feature a plastic frame and Synta style dovetail bracket. We can also make custom sizes (up to 8" OTA Tube Diameter)
SF Filters: with built-in Solar Finder
Open Frame Filters: These are extra small filters for finder scopes and binoculars
Solar Finders (aiming aid): Several styles to choose from.
Classic Ring Filters: This is the original style. It will be discontinued when current inventory runs out.
IMPORTANT: We do NOT accept returns on Solar Filters! That is NOT a new policy. It is important to remind you that you need to take care to measure your equipment to choose the correct size. This web page shows several tools (a video, a Selection Guide that shows what and how to measure - scroll down) to help you make the correct choice. Namely:
Our filters use a frame with nylon thumb screws that clamp onto the outside of a "TUBE".
What is the OUTSIDE DIAMETER of that tube?
The size of the lens is NOT the important measurement because a lens is always affixed to a TUBE that has a larger diameter. The TUBE is what the filter will clamp onto.
Photography Lens Owners TAKE NOTE. We do NOT make "thread-on" filters. Again, it's a metal frame that clamps onto a tube (the lens body).
Do NOT measure circumference, measure the DIAMETER.
We can only help you choose if we know the diameter that our filter frame will clamp onto.We are happy to answer questions about our products, we just can't answer questions about products made by others. There are just too many models of telescopes, binoculars, camera lenses and manufacturers don't publish what we would need to know. The good news is that you have the telescope/lens/etc.in your hand and it's easy to measure.
What Color is the Sun?
The Sun is White. You do NOT want a false “tinted” image. A filter that transmits the white color is what you really want and that’s what we manufacture. Some filter buyers look for filters that “tint” the color to be yellow/orange, but if you do that, you won’t see the beautiful dark red “Earth Shine” that happens during a solar eclipse. If you really want to “tint” as a false color, you can do that in Photoshop, but a tinted filter gives you fewer options in post-processing and also reduces the image contrast. Stick with “White”.
Best Image Contrast
Our filters are made with Baader Film and offer the best image contrast. That’s not just our opinion! We get so many stories from our customers who report that their Kendrick Solar Filter is far superior to “glass” filters. Owners will note that our film has a bit of “wave” and that is by design. If we could find a way to “crinkle” the film, contrast would be even better. We go out of our way to avoid stretching the film “drum tight” and it makes a noticeable difference.
What is IN STOCK? All products you see as a "Add To Cart" item are available for ordering and typically ship within 2 days.
Who uses Kendrick Solar Filters?
Kendrick Solar Filters are literally “out of this world”. You will find Kendrick Solar Filters all over the world and even in orbit! We’ve even made 3 trips to space onboard the International Space Station. Our filters use Baader Solar Film renowned for its excellent contrast and safety. Of course, thousands of us "terrestrial" dwellers also use Kendrick Solar Filters on our telescopes, binoculars, and camera lenses.

Kendrick Solar Filters are perfect for visual observing AND photograpy. In fact, Kendrick filters, made with Baader Solar Film (white light) filters are the best type to use for eclipse and transit events.This photo, taken by a Kendrick employee during the 2017 Eclipse used a Kendrick Solar Filter on a Televue NP101is Refractor telescope:
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